Current Production
The Little Mermaid, based on the famous and much loved story by Hans Christian Andersen, is one of our productions for children. After premiering in Term 4, 2016, it continues to delight our audiences. Go on a delightful underwater adventure as the Little Mermaid tells her most colourful tale.
To make a booking to secure a guaranteed performance, please use the 'Contact Me' page on the main menu.
Latest comments
It depends on your needs and budget.
Hi David, I absolutely love your stage set ups, themes and puppets. I wanted to see if I could get your advice on the best place or way to obtain a portable puppet theatre. Thanks
Hi David, I am interested in becoming involved in puppetry and wondering how much and when workshops will be held. Thanks, Deb
It is always a sheer joy to look at the incredible work you are doing and the shows you are producing with your beautiful, colorful costumed puppets. You are a treasure to the puppet world.